It’s time to close the gap.
We collect your food waste and turn it into compost.
You give back to the earth and to your own garden!
Our drop-off sites are
now open 24/7!
Run your food scraps over to us whenever, and as often, as you need.
Composting Drop-off
Composting Drop-off ☆ 24/7 ☆
little team,
big dreams!
“I’m looking to compost as…”
Compost collection plans fit for you.
Click an arrow below to learn about the services we provide—catered to your needs.
We provide you with a bucket to sort your food waste. You drop off your food scraps at one of our 12 convenient locations around Loudoun and Fairfax—at your convenience, as frequently as you need. Learn more
Sort your food waste with a bin we provide, and we come right to your door to collect it—with plans personalized to meet your business’s needs. Learn more
Looking to make your event less wasteful and more sustainable? We’ll give you guidance—and take care of your food and supplies waste after the party’s over. Learn more
Farm, to table, to farm. Then back into your backyard.
You compost with us, you get
premium compost back.

Are you in?
Get composting!

Friends who compost together, save together.
Use a neighbor’s Worm Works subscriber referral code when you sign up, and you both get a month of composting free!
Worm Works in your neighborhood!
Sharon Z., Residential Subscriber
Composting made simple, easy, and affordable.
Peter Leonard-Morgan, Vice Mayor, Town of Middleburg, VA, Residential Subscriber
“Worm Works has allowed us to divert food scraps to an environmental win-win ecosystem.”
John L., Residential Subscriber
Our plants love the compost. They are flourishing like never before!
Green thumbs up.
We want to help you compost better, smarter, and with more heart than ever— Maybe even for the first time ever!
Pile on your composting knowledge,
starting here.